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What's new with Alcea’s AI? New services and events


There’s so much happening in the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and the pace isn’t going to be slowing down any time soon so we’re not slowing down either, in fact we’re speeding up! There are so many new and exciting updates from Alcea that we needed to dedicate a whole blog to share with you what they are!

Alcea’s five (exciting) news updates…

  1. Let’s get together: We’re creating a Meetup community, learning about how we can use AI tools in our life and work… join Let’s Use AI (artificial intelligence) Meetup group today and sign up to our first event Drinks and chat (AI tools and what to use them for will feature) is going to be on Friday September 8 at 7pm, via Zoom, everyone welcome!

  2. Interested in using AI but don’t know where to start? Alcea’s launching Using AI Tools for Beginners workshops in September. The three-hour workshops are designed to give an introduction to AI tools, identify work-based or life tasks they can help with and look at where AI is going to go in the future. Everyone will get the chance to use AI tools during the workshop too. All online, AND for a September and October ONLY the workshops are FREE!!

  3. Still not sure what all the new AI words mean? Download Alcea’s AI Language Buster now.

  4. Coming soon! AI Life Tools the brand new podcast from Alcea. The podcast will dive into the different artificial intelligence tools available and how we can use them in our daily life and work. With a focus on different tools, for different tasks and professions we’ll dive into how they help us and we’ll talk to people who use them.

  5. Alcea business consultancy specialising in using AI for your business and teams: Need help in getting your teams up to speed with the artificial intelligence tools available that could help your teams deliver their best work efficiently? Look no further, Alcea can help you do just that. We provide specialised consultancy based on the needs of your business and the requirements of your teams to give you recommendations designed for your business, and then we’ll help you get up and running with the new technology. Contact Alcea now to find out how we can help you.

Alcea Consulting Limited is a boutique consultancy helping businesses find the right words and tools to connect their teams and customers. Contact us to find out how Alcea can support your teams and business today.

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